Category: Rants

  • Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.25.24

    From: Gorilla HQ To: All Forward Units It’s hard to bring your A-Game when they keep letting the B and C Leaguers onto the field. Days are getting shorter. Finally. I’m in the minority, I know. 2,024 push-ups? Happening. Not today though. Settling for 200-plus triceps extensions. TRICEPS OF DOOM. Knew a guy once who…

  • Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.20.24

    Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.20.24

    Holten’s Chop House Smashed Burgers are the freaking bomb. And no, I’m still not on the take. Kinda disappointed, actually. 🙄 When you like and comment on a 5-minute read within 25 seconds of it going live… My ode to Summer Solstice: 🖕🖕 Anyone else recall the days when Max was just plain old Cinemax?…

  • Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.18.24

    Spending the first six hours of your shift unscrewing everyone else’s stupidity and laziness is really annoying. CELTICS, BABY!!! 🏀 Buzzwords. They lose their impact when used excessively. I’m sure some of you can empathize. 😋 Heat Index of 105? GTFO of here with that shit. 2,024 push-ups in one day? Hmmm…Maybe. 🤔 NTT. Tick,…

  • The Moment WP Worked Properly

    Don’t mind me. I’m trying to project into the future.

  • Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.15.24

    Not long ago, I had a conversation (multiple, actually) with someone whose opinion I value quite highly. The conversation revolved around the recent feeling that I have had to tiptoe around my own blog for fear of upsetting or offending people. Mind you, some of this could just be my perception as I have had…

  • Thirty Freaking Minutes

    That is all I saw for 30 freaking minutes last night when I clicked on anything. And I was not having a problem with any other web pages at all. Just the same, I cleared everything, logged out and back in, etc. Nada. After about half an hour, I gave up and called it a…

  • Really, WP Reader? Really?

    A two hour gap and not one single solitary thing was posted? Somehow, I find that highly difficult to believe. And now, posts are randomly updating at a pace akin to watching paint dry. Way to absolutely kill everyone’s views. Stellar. Add it to the pile…

  • Goin’ Ghost Wednesday

    Always a good time when an employee comes at you like an angry hornet. Good morning, and goodnight, from this tired gorilla. I think the above says it all. 😄 Love when people get pissed about something that’s their own damn fault. Consider this a dovetail off yesterday’s post. On that note, I hope your…

  • Ten Ton Headache Tuesday

    Some days I really can’t believe some of the crap that I see and read. It’s almost enough to give one a literal headache. The pettiness, the vitriol, the sheer arrogance and self-centered nature of some people really blows my mind. Particularly when they run around waving any assorted flags of positivity, empathy, sympathy, freedom…

  • Well…

    How about someone who can explain why some of these prompts are so silly or repetitive? Or why the random unsubscriptions still happen? Or why the like button doesn’t always work? Or why the notifications are so hit and miss? No? Oh, okay. Thank you. We have nothing to discuss then. Begone with you, WP.…

  • Work Ethic…

    Is dead. And if it is not, it is on life support and the pulse is getting weaker. We’re starting to lose this guy… The amount of people who read a job description, apply for the job and then act all bewildered when they are expected to do said job is absolutely staggering. And the…

  • Reader and Notifications – WTF?

    Man, I’m already in a lousy mood today from lack of sleep and now, I log back in to see yet more surprises with Reader and Notifications. Reader is suddenly slow AF. I mean like snail caught in molasses slow. And no, I am not having trouble with any other pages. Me waiting for Reader…