Tag: creativity

  • This Day Is Yours!

    This Day Is Yours!

    To the battle, to the fields The cause is just, we will not yield Thick with doom, such acrid smoke Hard to breathe, our lungs are choked Pressing on, and still we push Past falling trees and burning brush In our wake, destruction left Raise your sword and feel the heft With gleaming blade we…

  • Sorceress Of The Night

    Sorceress Of The Night

    Sorceress of the Night, you transfix me with your gaze Sorceress of the Night, how you set my heart ablaze You bewitch and you beguile, in a daze and feeling blind In the dark you’re all I think of, you confuse my mortal mind I see you in my nightmares and I see you in…

  • The Wait For Freedom

    The Wait For Freedom

    You think this cage can hold me? Do you think these shackles bind? Do you think I cannot see it? Do you really think I’m blind? Your lips speak self-assurance I can see within your eyes I can see the fear you carry Filled with fear that I will rise That I will rise up…

  • No Theme Thursday: 01/25/24

    No Theme Thursday: 01/25/24

    Good day, friends and fellow bloggers! I started this last week and think I will keep going with it. At least for now. 😄 No Theme Thursday is exactly what it sounds like. I will post some images with no specific theme (i.e. sci-fi, fantasy, etc.). I’ll just post what I hope is fun and…

  • Sci-Fi, Space Marine & Superhero Sunday!

    Sci-Fi, Space Marine & Superhero Sunday!

    Since I totally screwed up and missed Superhero Saturday this week, I’m going all in on a balls to the wall, over the top Sci-Fi, Space Marine & Superhero extravagnaza! Hyperbole much? Probably. 😄 Anyhow, on that note, I hope y’all enjoy and have a fantastic Sunday. Stay awesome!!! We’ll kick off this week with…

  • A Visit To The Apothecary

    A Visit To The Apothecary

    Good morning, friends and fellow adventurers! For today’s excursion, we will be taking a trip to our local apothecaries. We shall purchase potions and elixirs to cure any ills we may encounter on our upcoming journey through Midguard and the fantastical realms which surely lay before us. Stock up, for we shall not be back…

  • Spies, Lies, and Digital Skies Challenge (01/26/24)

    It’s time for this week’s entry in Susan T. Braithwaite’s Spies, Lies, and Digital Skies Challenge. This week’s prompt is: An elusive double agent. This one definitely lived up to it’s name and proved to be a challenge. For me, at least. 😄 I tried multiple variations on this theme but could not pin anything…

  • Life Is Just A Fantasy

    Life Is Just A Fantasy

    Good morning all! For today’s selections, I dove back into the fantasy realm. Barbarians, rogues and mages abound! Hope you enjoy and have a great day!!! I question the use of glassware in Fantasyland, but I digress…

  • The Weird, Wild West

    The Weird, Wild West

    For today’s image drop, I thought I would share some pics I conjured up combining Old West and futuristic themes. Westworld probably did it better, but I had a good time nonetheless. Hope y’all enjoy. Saddle up! BTS Outtake: If only she wasn’t showing half her cards…🤦‍♂️

  • Mashup: Sci-Fi & Vikings

    Mashup: Sci-Fi & Vikings

    Working on a poem, but it isn’t quite there yet, so I took a break and played around with some image creation. I decided to combine two of my favorite genres in science fiction and Vikings to see what I could come up with. Had some fun with this one. Enjoy!

  • Sunday Timekiller

    Sunday Timekiller

    So, again today, I can’t think of anything to write at the moment, and I’m kinda trying to put off going outside to shovel for a bit longer. I need at least one more coffee in me before I tackle that. So, in the interest of creativity and slight procrastination, I present a few more…