Tag: digital art

  • Sublime Perfection

    Amidst the chaos and the din I search for comfort deep within While a storm may rage without A whisper born within a shout A place of center, calm and peace Where all my worries I release I send them to another plane And free myself from strife and pain A soothing breeze, a feeling…

  • The Doctor Is In

    My trusty Doc Martens. Of course, they don’t make the utility series anymore, so I need to find an alternative for work, because I need safety toes. The heels are shot, the leather is cracked, and they’re hanging on by a thread. But I’m not ready to let them go quite yet.

  • Late Entry NTT

    Hey all, a late entry in this week’s NTT Challenge. Pooja just posted this and I wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to check it out. Enjoy!

  • Random Reflections

    Hibernation is good and sometimes necessary. Solitude often has a negative connotation. It’s not the same as loneliness. When one feels like they have to censor themselves or walk on eggshells, especially in their own space, something is terribly wrong. If one is still long enough, they can sense the energies around them. I sense…

  • Cyberwhere Whensday

    Cyberwhere Whensday

    Yes, I meant to spell it that way. 😄 Good morning! Happy Hump Day and all that good stuff. I hope the week has been a good one so far. I am gearing up to go back to work tonight for a few days. With a little bit of luck they’ll go by quickly. As…

  • NTT Entries: 05/09/24 Edition

    NTT Entries: 05/09/24 Edition

    Hey all, it’s that time again! Another fantastic week of creative works for your reading pleasure. I know I am a broken record at times, but seriously, great work on such a consistent basis leaves me in awe of your skills. I hope you know and appreciate just how talented you all are. Instead of…

  • Dark Lord of the Hunt

    Dark Lord of the Hunt

    As the darkness comes alive And the sun begins to fall He awakens from his slumber As he roams these hallowed halls For the hour is upon him For the hunt he must prepare He knows well that she is waiting Her sacred scent is in the air She’s elusive and beguiling Moving naked ‘cross…

  • Take It Easy Tuesday

    Take It Easy Tuesday

    Good morning all. Hope everyone is doing well on this fine Tuesday. I’m taking a slight left turn today and going in a quieter direction. Can’t be all silliness and bombast every day, right? I slept minimally yesterday, so today the plan is to just lay low and do as little as possible. It feels…

  • The Fatal Five

    First, let me start by saying that I am truly appreciative of the deep, philosophical nature of the most recent daily prompts. This one, by far, deserves an award for “Deep Thought of the Year.” Truly breaking boundaries here, we are. Anyhow, I’m a good sport, so let’s play! Grapes As a soon-to-be-emperor, I figured…

  • Mechaphysical Monday

    Mechaphysical Monday

    Good day one and all. Welcome to the start of yet another week! Hopefully Lady Monday is not too cruel a mistress to you. My three day stretch is done and now I’m off for a couple. And not a moment too soon, I dare say. Why “Mechaphysical” you might be asking. Well, why not?…

  • More Weight!

    More Weight!

    Lifting more weight. Why? Because lifting weight makes me happy. Or, to put it another way, remain consistent with my workouts. I’ve been on a pretty good roll lately, but as I adjust to this new schedule, I have had to cut back slightly. That is fine short term, but long term, not my ideal…

  • Starstruck Sunday

    Starstruck Sunday

    Good morning and welcome to Sunday, everyone! Hope the weekend has treated you all well and it’s been an enjoyable, relaxing one. One more shift to go and then I get my next taste of freedom. Working every other weekend has its downside, but the 5 days off the next week help make up for…

  • Of Ragnarok

    Of Ragnarok

    In evening dark the storm clouds rise The shift it comes before my eyes A fleeting glimpse as light turns dark A thunder god shall leave his mark Upon the earth with heavy rains Soaked in fury, drenched in pain A battle wages from on high Away from mortals, in the sky A battle we…

  • For the Mothers

    For the Mothers

    You nurture us, you care for us You teach us right from wrong And when we cannot sleep at night You soothe us with a song You provide for us and care for us You make sure we are fed You give a loving home to us And tuck us in our bed When monsters…

  • CyberSteam Saturday

    CyberSteam Saturday

    Top of the morning everyone. Hope the weekend is going well so far. Happy Saturday! By the time this post hits I’ll be wrapping up day one of my weekend excursion in the land of milk and honey. AKA: Work 😆 Its been quiet so far and I am totally good with that. If the…

  • A multifaceted question

    A multifaceted question

    This is one of those questions that could have multiple meanings. Living in a free, or “free” country? The freedom to go where I want, when I want? Financial freedom? The freedom to hang out with whomever I choose to, regardless of race, sexual preference, religion or opinion? At the end of the day, the…

  • Fantastical Friday (05/10)

    Fantastical Friday (05/10)

    Good morning and welcome to Friday. To those of you whose week is ending, enjoy! To those who are stuck working, welcome to the club. I’ll be doing my time until Monday morning and then I’m off for a few. The weather is basically going to suck anyhow, so whatever, I says. 😄 Personally, I…

  • To Simpler Times

    To Simpler Times

    It used to be so easy, you know? All I had to do was show up with a contract and they’d sign without fail. Like that Johnson kid. All I had to do was wait at the crossroads, parchment in hand, and it was a done deal. Man, could he play a mean guitar. Okay,…

  • Out of the Office

    Out of the Office

    Not touching this one with a ten-foot pole. Have a great day, everyone!

  • Reader and Notifications – WTF?

    Man, I’m already in a lousy mood today from lack of sleep and now, I log back in to see yet more surprises with Reader and Notifications. Reader is suddenly slow AF. I mean like snail caught in molasses slow. And no, I am not having trouble with any other pages. Me waiting for Reader…

  • Simplicity/Synchronicity


    Connected by a force unseen Wonder what it all could mean In many forms and many ways Feelings with us all our days A first encounter, second glance Is it fate or is it chance? Watching life move down the street A taste of coffee, sugar sweet Is it really intertwined? Or just a product…

  • Screw Unto Others

    Screw Unto Others

    There was a time I used to care A time when I thought life was fair I thought we all played by the rules And then I realized we were fools The rulebook really is a joke A hall of mirrors, cue the smoke If you really do wish to succeed To my words you…

  • No Theme Thursday: 05/09/24

    No Theme Thursday: 05/09/24

    And we’re back with this week’s edition of No Theme Thursday. Your weekly dose of randomness and imagery, where there is no point and there is no theme, unless you give it one! Hope everyone’s week has been good so far. This is my long week to work, so my weekend is already locked down.…

  • Wherever the road leads

    Right now, since I am just getting back to work after a brief hiatus, I’m just taking things as they come. I’m learning the business and gathering skills and knowledge where I can. I don’t know that I have found my ultimate destination yet, so I keep my eyes open for options. Part of me…

  • NTT Entries: 5/2/24

    Hello, all. Hope everyone is doing well. Below are this past week’s NTT entries for 05/05/24. My sincerest thanks to all who participated. Once again, you move me with your stellar talents. If I missed any entries, please accept my sincere apology and let me know ASAP so that I may correct and update this…