All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)

Daily writing prompt
Do you play in your daily life? What says “playtime” to you?

For the last couple months I did not do much playing at all. I was too caught up in a maniacal quest that left me stressed, burnt out, sick and unemployed.

I learned a lot of very hard lessons from that whole debacle and know I will definitely not be repeating those mistakes again!

However, before I took a hard left turn down that bumpy road, I tried to embrace play in any situation I could.

Be it at work, in the grocery store, the bank and pretty much anywhere I could, I’d try to make it fun.

It might be as simple as telling a funny story about the McDonald’s drive-thru to the tellers at the bank, or an innocent prank on one of the engineers at work, but I tried to approach as much as I could with a playful mindset. Sometimes I’d even try to make a game out of how quick I could finish my shift reports, to see if I could beat my time from the day before. Test my efficiency as it were.

I may have occasionally tested my three-point shooting skills at the grocery store as well, but that’s a topic for a different day. (Pro tip: Don’t try this with jars of pasta sauce or cantaloupe. It likely won’t end well. Stick to Charmin or bags of chips.)

I got away from that for quite awhile, and damn, did I miss it.

Now don’t get me wrong, when there is a time to be serious and respectful, I certainly do so. But in the average, hum-drum everyday? Game on.

Way I see it, life gives us enough to be pissed off about. Why not have fun with whatever is left?

Now, outside of that kind of silly behavior, I also do more normal stuff too.

I play guitar, I like to read (regular books and some comics too), play video games (Starfield currently), and I actually consider working out play time too just because I love it so much.

At the end of the day, life is just a series of games and challenges at it’s core. Some are truly serious and deserve our undivided attention and respect, but the rest? I say open season on life.

Get it back once in awhile for all the laughs it has at our expense.


4 responses to “All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)”

  1. January is always hard grinding work for me to satisfy HMRC in all its demands and , indeed, to source all the info that they KNOW about me already in order to justify their response

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s nothing like red tape and bureaucracy to start off the New Year. Good luck!


  2. I really like your attitude of trying to make even the most mundane situation fun. You’re right, life is too hard as it is, so it’s important to also see the fun side to things.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! I figure if I don’t try to make baskets in the grocery store, who will? lol

      Liked by 1 person

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