Category: happiness

  • A game of extremes

    A game of extremes

    Talk about one extreme to the other. At my previous job, I was averaging 14 to 16 hour workdays Monday through Friday, and 4 to 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. And it was nonstop go, go, go. From about 4AM until 9 or 10PM on the regular. Now? I have literally gone from one…

  • Forked Up Friday

    Forked Up Friday

    As another week draws to a close, I sit here tired, sore and contemplating life over coffee number two; soon to be coffee number three, for those keeping score. My moods have been up and down for a couple weeks now, as most of you are painfully aware. Quite truthfully, they still are. And that…

  • Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and valleys, they abound Finish one, another round Always climbing, never stops Climb again to reach the top Tired, sore and feeling lost Is the climbing worth the cost? Staring up, a peak so high Don’t think you’ll ever touch the sky But still you try, God only knows Pelted by the freezing snows…

  • Agoge Update: The First Few Days

    Good day, all. A brief update on the first few days of my little Agoge project. I started on Friday 03/22, as a bit of a whim. I just felt the sudden urge to take something new on. Sometimes things require a bit of thought, and other times, it’s best to just go with your…

  • Going To Agoge

    Going To Agoge

    Not “Going To A Go-Go” like the Stones sing. “Agoge.” Basically, it’s an old Spartan term for the rigorous training and education the young warriors went through to become soldiers. I’m simplifying, but that’s it in a nutshell. During a brief conversation with Ojaswi Gupta the other day, the term came up. Long story short,…

  • Back In The Game!

    Back In The Game!

    So, as anyone who has been around a little bit probably knows, I started this silly little blog after I lost my job and had some free time on my hands. Truthfully, I figured I would start in December and ditch it by January, but here I am still. 😄 So anyhow, I spent some…

  • Failure = Experience

    Well, I could use my current circumstance as an example. You work a long time somewhere, you do pretty good for yourself, and then suddenly, before you know it, things go sideways, mistakes are made, and you’re no longer working. You roll it all around in your head. The could’ve, the should’ve, the would’ve. You…

  • To My Little Sister

    The following post is addressed to Aastha from Literary Evaluation Blog. Dear Little Sister, As you prepare to embark on a new and exciting journey, I wanted to take a moment to wish you the absolute best of luck and good fortune. In the short time we have known each other, you have touched me,…

  • Why, indeed?

    Why, indeed?

    This is one of those prompts where I am kind of scratching my head, because I am not the arbiter of what is or isn’t a good word. That said, I will play along because, why not? 😄 Limitations. Talking the self imposed kind here, because I know there are folks out there with legit…

  • When the Stone Crushes You

    When the Stone Crushes You

    Apologies in advance for what is mostly going to be a stream of consciousness ramble. Yes, the title and images are a reference to Sisyphus and that pesky stone. Most days as of late, the stone feels pretty light, honestly. Akin to carrying a pebble in your pocket. Barely noticeable. But a couple days ago,…

  • School Update – 3 Days Left!

    School Update – 3 Days Left!

    Final exam… COMPLETE! So, I ended up being way, way ahead of schedule, and finished the pre-exam 5 minutes in, and the instructor set me up for the final. No, it’s not a diploma, not by any stretch, and there was no ceremony, but this program ran the gamut from very basic computer tasks, apps…

  • The Barbarian’s Guide To Good Living

    Men of iron and maidens so fair, I bid thee hail! As I wander this world in search of treasures so fine and adventures far flung, I encounter many a varied soul. Good folk some, and others less so. By the grace of the gods and their beards ever epic, most have been the former.…

  • The Chains That Bind

    The Chains That Bind

    The chains that bindHeavyImmobileUncaringSteel to skinColdPiercingBruisingIron lacerates deeplyClaretFlowingStingingThe captor laughs incessantCursingSpittingTauntingTemples throb a pure barrageAngryVengefulUnrelentingVeins pulse a river rapidPowerStrengthGrowingSinews corded shatter steelTwistingWrenchingBreakingHusks of steel fall to the floorSweatingGaspingFreedom There’s an old song by Eagles that says “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have…

  • Back to School (One Month In)

    Back to School (One Month In)

    So, it’s been a few weeks since I did an update on the whole class thing. For those interested, my previous posts are linked below. First Day Of School! Back to School (One Week Down!) Anyhow, it’s the end of the fourth week of this course and it’s going pretty well. I’ve earned quite a…

  • Keep Climbing

    While I don’t intend to completely do away with the image-only posts, lately I feel compelled to add at least a few words when I post them. We often hear the phrase “peaks and valleys” when talking about the game of life, and it is a fairly accurate descriptor. There’s no greater feeling than reaching…

  • Bury Yourself

    Good day to everyone! A funny thing happened to me along the path of this little blogging adventure. When I started it, my intention was to post about some of the challenges I’d come up against and the lessons I had learned along the way. My hope was to help others and bring some positive…

  • Your Time Is Gonna Come

    Your Time Is Gonna Come

    You know, every now and then the universe gives you those little reminders that it’s on your side. Talk about synchronicity. Just this morning, Adarsh G wrote a post about Karma. Well, round about the same time he posted that, I got word that someone who had been sticking multiple knives in my back at…

  • Happy 100!

    Happy 100!

    Yesterday morning, I was very surprised to see that I had surpassed 100 follows here on WP! When I started this blog, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted it to be (one could probably argue that I still don’t 😄), other than I wanted to try and have a positive impact on people’s lives.…

  • Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    There are a ton of ways this can be interpreted. Physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Funny thing is about two months ago, I went on a tear and threw a bunch of stuff out that had been hanging around forever. Finally got sick of it and tossed it. Ironically, about a week before I got fired…

  • The Fire Within

    The Fire Within

    This is a followup to my earlier post about those pesky snakes. I will admit it definitely stung a bit to hear that I was currently being portrayed as the cause of every ill since the dawn of time (You didn’t know the whole dinosaur thing was my fault, did ya?), even though I saw…

  • And Out Come The Snakes

    And Out Come The Snakes

    I’ve been around the block more than a couple of times in my life and one of the truisms I’ve always encountered is that when someone leaves a job, regardless of the circumstances, once they are gone they get blamed for most everything under the sun. I’ve been chatting with a former cohort and they’re…

  • Man On A Mission (Prompt: 01/09/24)

    Man On A Mission (Prompt: 01/09/24)

    I love it when I can sneak a song title into a blog post. Van Halen: “Man On A Mission” for anyone curious. Anyhow, onto the question of the day! I used to think a mission had to be some big, grandiose, super-duper, extravaganza complete with explosions, fireworks and a huge victory celebration at the…

  • You Can Never Get Too Low…

    You Can Never Get Too Low…

    For the past couple of days I have been struggling a bit with what to write. I’ve mostly been responding to the daily prompts and playing around with image creator to keep my mind nimble. Even today I don’t really feel like I have much to say, but I feel the need to write something,…

  • All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)

    All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)

    For the last couple months I did not do much playing at all. I was too caught up in a maniacal quest that left me stressed, burnt out, sick and unemployed. I learned a lot of very hard lessons from that whole debacle and know I will definitely not be repeating those mistakes again! However,…

  • Five Things I Have Finally Come To Terms With

    Five Things I Have Finally Come To Terms With

    After reading this post from Pooja G I was inspired to do my own version of this list. She has graciously allowed me to link her post as well and I am truly grateful! I encourage you to check out her unique take on this list also. It really registered with me as the last…