Back to School (One Month In)

So, it’s been a few weeks since I did an update on the whole class thing.

For those interested, my previous posts are linked below.

First Day Of School!

Back to School (One Week Down!)

Anyhow, it’s the end of the fourth week of this course and it’s going pretty well.

I’ve earned quite a few certificates, learned some new stuff and improved my skills on some things I already knew. I was able to leapfrog a lot of stuff by virtue of having experience with some of the curriculum at my old job.

Starting next week, I’m going to be leapfrogging again, because I completed a ton of lessons in the current module I am working on and the instructor could see I was just looking for stuff to do at this point. I even started a basic Spanish language training just because!

Earlier this week I went during the daytime to talk to the student advisor about an associate’s degree. She gave me a ton of options, so I am going to have to think about how I want to pursue it. 

Being over there during the day was like a whole different world. There were actually people there! 😄

This course has about four weeks left. What I will do next, I don’t know. It depends where life is taking me at that point. There will be a new session starting in March or April, so in theory, I can attend that and pick right up where I left off.

So, despite my initial bitching and moaning, it’s going well and I am glad I did it. It’s nice staying active, keeping the brainbox working and feeling productive.

What next? We shall see!


8 responses to “Back to School (One Month In)”

  1. I have to go back to school at some point. I’m about half way through a masters but got burned out trying to work full time and write 10 page papers every week lol. I’ve thought about just taking random classes that interest me too, like art classes or something. That’d be more fun because if I ended up not having time, it wouldn’t matter at all if I dropped the class.

    What are you thinking of getting an associates in?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s kind of what I am doing right now, Brian. Taking this 8-week course and then I’ll see where things are at. I don’t want to get too deep into something, get a new job and then have to totally rearrange a schedule.

      Looking at a business management degree since it goes hand in hand with my work experience.

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      1. Smart move, you can do a lot with a business degree as I’m sure you know! I got a bachelors in IT at the beginning of 2023 and although I technically work in an IT department I do very little with computers lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve heard that from more than one IT guy 😄
        Yes, I figure I have the experience as a supervisor, might as well try to get some paperwork to back it up as well. Every little bit helps!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so happy to see that your studies are going well and I am looking forward to seeing how your March/April sessions will progress. How is Spanish class coming along?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. IF I do the March/April ones. That’s going to depend on where things are at job wise, etc.
      It was just a module of basic phrases and I did take it years and years ago, so it was pretty painless. Mostly did it as a refresher.

      I might dive deeper into some foreign language training soon though, we’ll see.

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      1. No matter what you decide to do in the upcoming Spring months, I support you and hope for your success!!!
        If you do dive deeper into foreign language studies, make a blog post about it and let us know how it goes.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you, Melissa! We shall see where the road is leading at that time. Wherever it is, it I am sure it will be fun!

        I will certainly blog about that, or any other interesting undertakings. 🙂

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