A Tale Of Two Skies

Images ©️ The Beginning At Last


29 responses to “A Tale Of Two Skies”

  1. Beautiful shots

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mary 🙏😊🙏


  2. Lovely sky images as always
    Especially the first, so beautiful how the sun is within the clouds ⛅️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Laura. I’m very glad you like them 😊 🙏
      One was the sky in front of me, and the other was behind me

      Liked by 1 person

  3. same skies yet so different at times. beautiful captures, Kevin 🤍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Those were actually taking moments apart. One was this guy in front the other was the sky behind me. Thank you, Destiny. Glad you enjoyed them🙏🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Intriguing as it goes…nature.
        pleasure 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

      2. One storm passes as another approaches

        Liked by 1 person

      3. lol…so much positivity to your words..(🥴)

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Just reality, really lol

        Liked by 1 person

      5. true again…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Daisy!! 😊 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Gorgeous photography. 💜

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you very much, Phoebe. Glad you enjoyed it 😊😊

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Thoughtful Scribbles Avatar
    Thoughtful Scribbles

    Beautiful photograph.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you very much. Very pleased you enjoyed them 😊😊

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you 😊 🙏

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  7. Stephanie Avatar


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Stephanie 😊

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  8. Great shots, Kevin!

    This reminds me of something that I tend to say about the weather living here in Michigan. I’m sure a lot of people say it pretty much wherever they live for the most part though:

    “ if you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes. Chances are, it’ll probably change.”

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great capture of the streaming sunbeams ~ those aren’t easy to capture!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Beautiful skies! Especially the first one with the sun rays! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Liola. Very glad you enjoyed them. 🙏

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Wow. Really amazing, fine and beautiful and awesome shots Kevin. My man, you really captured amazing shots, the skies are perfect and look aromatic.

    Keep blogging⭐⭐⭐💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. Greatly appreciated. 🙏🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Listening to the nature’s talk
    . Brilliant 👍👍👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lalita. 🙏🙏

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