Tag: life

  • Sublime Perfection

    Amidst the chaos and the din I search for comfort deep within While a storm may rage without A whisper born within a shout A place of center, calm and peace Where all my worries I release I send them to another plane And free myself from strife and pain A soothing breeze, a feeling…

  • Random Reflections

    Hibernation is good and sometimes necessary. Solitude often has a negative connotation. It’s not the same as loneliness. When one feels like they have to censor themselves or walk on eggshells, especially in their own space, something is terribly wrong. If one is still long enough, they can sense the energies around them. I sense…

  • Cyberwhere Whensday

    Cyberwhere Whensday

    Yes, I meant to spell it that way. 😄 Good morning! Happy Hump Day and all that good stuff. I hope the week has been a good one so far. I am gearing up to go back to work tonight for a few days. With a little bit of luck they’ll go by quickly. As…

  • Both.

    And guess what? So are most of us. There might be people out there who think they are cutting their own path, blazing their own trail, answering to no one, and that’s fine. You go on thinking that. Because, from where I’m sitting, most of us answer to someone. Work for a company? You probably…

  • Take It Easy Tuesday

    Take It Easy Tuesday

    Good morning all. Hope everyone is doing well on this fine Tuesday. I’m taking a slight left turn today and going in a quieter direction. Can’t be all silliness and bombast every day, right? I slept minimally yesterday, so today the plan is to just lay low and do as little as possible. It feels…

  • Another blogger MIA

    Reblogging Alice’s post, as I too, hope Renard is ok. While it is certainly possible he just said the heck with it and bailed, Renard seemed to be a very committed blogger who was in it for the long haul. If anyone knows, and/or can share, is he ok? I don’t know if anyone has…

  • Mechaphysical Monday

    Mechaphysical Monday

    Good day one and all. Welcome to the start of yet another week! Hopefully Lady Monday is not too cruel a mistress to you. My three day stretch is done and now I’m off for a couple. And not a moment too soon, I dare say. Why “Mechaphysical” you might be asking. Well, why not?…

  • More Weight!

    More Weight!

    Lifting more weight. Why? Because lifting weight makes me happy. Or, to put it another way, remain consistent with my workouts. I’ve been on a pretty good roll lately, but as I adjust to this new schedule, I have had to cut back slightly. That is fine short term, but long term, not my ideal…

  • Cloudy With A Chance of Zen

    Cloudy With A Chance of Zen

    Up above here in the clouds Far above the din so loud A clarity of calm and peace A purity of sweet release No coming, going, to and fro Life up here, a gentle flow All senses free, it’s almost zen Releasing thoughts of where and when There is no pain, no that or this…

  • Starstruck Sunday

    Starstruck Sunday

    Good morning and welcome to Sunday, everyone! Hope the weekend has treated you all well and it’s been an enjoyable, relaxing one. One more shift to go and then I get my next taste of freedom. Working every other weekend has its downside, but the 5 days off the next week help make up for…

  • A game of extremes

    A game of extremes

    Talk about one extreme to the other. At my previous job, I was averaging 14 to 16 hour workdays Monday through Friday, and 4 to 5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. And it was nonstop go, go, go. From about 4AM until 9 or 10PM on the regular. Now? I have literally gone from one…

  • Forked Up Friday

    Forked Up Friday

    As another week draws to a close, I sit here tired, sore and contemplating life over coffee number two; soon to be coffee number three, for those keeping score. My moods have been up and down for a couple weeks now, as most of you are painfully aware. Quite truthfully, they still are. And that…

  • Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and valleys, they abound Finish one, another round Always climbing, never stops Climb again to reach the top Tired, sore and feeling lost Is the climbing worth the cost? Staring up, a peak so high Don’t think you’ll ever touch the sky But still you try, God only knows Pelted by the freezing snows…

  • What Do You Remember?

    What Do You Remember?

    No Theme Thursday I remember hugging my family goodbye, not knowing what awaited me. I remember sitting on the tarmac in the dead of night. I remember seeing a Budweiser vending machine in Germany and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I remember the first time my feet touched the desert sand and thinking…

  • Just let me stay down

    Just let me stay down

    This is really just me having a ramble, so don’t mind me, and apologies in advance. Recently, I felt quite down and out for a multitude of reasons. One was I physically felt like absolute shit. The mere act of breathing felt like a monumental fucking task. This is why I really do not like…

  • A little Saturday rant

    A little Saturday rant

    You know… Far be it from me to assume something would work correctly. So, I was replying to some comments, and I accidentally send one to the spam folder. Ok, fine. No biggie, I’ll just go retrieve it. Now, admittedly, I don’t check my spam folder often, but imagine my surprise when I found about…

  • This One Is For You

    This is my commentary on my selected image for this week’s No Theme Thursday Challenge. I selected this image: I made this image with my grandmother in mind. The cardinal was always her favorite bird. I hope she would like it. My grandmother was there for me and my mother almost literally from day one.…

  • Beat the Count

    1… Damn it, my head feels like it’s on fire. Fuck. Is that my blood? Is this even real? 2… Why are there clouds all around me? Is it raining? What the hell is this? 3… What the hell? I’m hearing voices. Where are you? Shit. This is my blood. 4… “Just stay down, boy.…

  • Follow The Leader (Prompt: 01/19/24)

    Follow The Leader (Prompt: 01/19/24)

    As someone who has been a leader for the past 4-plus years, you’d think I would have a lot to say on this topic, but at the moment I really don’t. I think right now there’s just a part of me that’s cut that portion of my life loose and is happy not to think…

  • Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    There are a ton of ways this can be interpreted. Physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Funny thing is about two months ago, I went on a tear and threw a bunch of stuff out that had been hanging around forever. Finally got sick of it and tossed it. Ironically, about a week before I got fired…

  • I’ll Send An SOS To The World (Prompt: 01/13/24)

    I’ll Send An SOS To The World (Prompt: 01/13/24)

    Now that my needless compulsion to sneak a song reference into most everything has been satisfied, I can move onto the question at hand. How do I communicate online? This one is actually going to be quick and easy. Outside of texting, this blog is pretty much it. When I was working, I was on…

  • First Day Of School!

    First Day Of School!

    And, man…Do I so not want to go. Anyone who’s been reading along might know that I signed up for an 8-week course recently, and I am also looking at pursuing an associates degree after that. I’ve been pretty psyched up for it the past week or so, but now that it’s here I really…

  • Small Words, Big Results

    Small Words, Big Results

    Sometimes in this adventure called life we find ourselves looking for the one big solution that’s going to shake the world and solve all our, and hopefully everyone else’s, problems. We search high and low for that grand speech or that monumental action. The proverbial magic bullet. We know it doesn’t really exist, but that…