Category: fitness

  • Stuff

    I like my guitars, my weights and my books, in no particular order. Thanks and have a great day, all.

  • More Weight!

    More Weight!

    Lifting more weight. Why? Because lifting weight makes me happy. Or, to put it another way, remain consistent with my workouts. I’ve been on a pretty good roll lately, but as I adjust to this new schedule, I have had to cut back slightly. That is fine short term, but long term, not my ideal…

  • Iron G in the House

    Iron G in the House

    So, as I said earlier today, I was going to try another of my incredibly stupid, “why would anyone willingly do that?” workout experiments. Due to my current work environment, the need to be able to move easily under high heat, high stress conditions with a modicum of strength is paramount. I am not in…

  • Sardonically Serious Saturday

    Sardonically Serious Saturday

    Because I couldn’t think of any other title mostly. 🤷‍♂️ Hope everyone’s weekend is going well so far. It’s looking to be a quiet and rainy one around here. By the time this posts, I should have started my next experimental workout. One thing I figured out on this new job is I need to…

  • Hit the Iron, Baby!

    Hit the Iron, Baby!

    In the interest of keeping it PG, I’ll just say my favorite way to workout is good old fashioned iron. 😄 While I do enjoy push-ups and other calisthenics, my favorite things will be barbells and dumbbells. Something about picking up heavy shit just speaks to my inner gorilla. Call me a meathead if you…

  • Agoge Update: The First Few Days

    Good day, all. A brief update on the first few days of my little Agoge project. I started on Friday 03/22, as a bit of a whim. I just felt the sudden urge to take something new on. Sometimes things require a bit of thought, and other times, it’s best to just go with your…

  • Going To Agoge

    Going To Agoge

    Not “Going To A Go-Go” like the Stones sing. “Agoge.” Basically, it’s an old Spartan term for the rigorous training and education the young warriors went through to become soldiers. I’m simplifying, but that’s it in a nutshell. During a brief conversation with Ojaswi Gupta the other day, the term came up. Long story short,…

  • To Sharpen the Blade Once More (1)

    It had been many months since the last campaign, and despite his untimely exile, Korv the Barbarian adjusted nicely to life away from the battlefield. Indeed, he had pressed hard and proven his mettle in countless battles. His downfall had come when he insulted the conniving, self-proclaimed countess of the realm. Korv had realized the…

  • You can have my toys…

    You can have my toys…

    When you pry them from my cold, dead fingers. 😋 I don’t think I’ve ever truly grown up, and I have the sneaking suspicion I never truly will. Nor do I think I want to. The things I’ve enjoyed the most, I have enjoyed since I was a very young lad and I never saw…

  • 25-Day Burpee Challenge

    25-Day Burpee Challenge

    And no, it doesn’t mean I am going to belch for 25 straight days. 🙄 I actually hate the name of this exercise, but I don’t like the alternative name either. “Squat thrust” just sounds a bit too, well… Moving on, then! They also, depending who you listen to/believe, are not exactly the same exercise…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 26-30)

    30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 26-30)

    And here we are down to the final five days of this pushup challenge! Will I make it down the home stretch, or will I falter and trip right before the finish line? The answer, dear reader, lies below! Let us see, shall we? 01/26/24: Almost started with a half miss. 😄 I had done…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 21-25)

    30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 21-25)

    Well, we’re coming down to the home stretch and I am looking to finish strong over the next 10 days. Let’s see how it went, shall we? 01/21/24: 200 pushups completed. Unlike the rough starts over last week, today went well. Got them done in 4 sets of 50 and they went pretty quickly. Possibly…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 16-20)

    30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 16-20)

    I’ve now passed the halfway mark in my 30-Day Pushup Challenge and we’re now on the downhill side of things. Side note: Scary that the first month of the New Year is already half over. Crazy! And I’ve only written the wrong year once, shockingly. Anyhow, on with this week’s report: 01/16/24: 200 pushups completed.…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 11-15)

    30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 11-15)

    This week will mark the halfway point of my 30 Day Pushup Challenge. How did I do? Well, let’s find out, shall we? 01/11/24: 200 pushups completed. Did these spaced out during morning coffee/WP time in sets of 50. So far, that rep scheme seems to be working well, so I will stick with it…

  • 1,000 Reps Of Doom!

    1,000 Reps Of Doom!

    The past couple days of my 30-Day Pushup Challenge were mediocre, to say the least. I got my reps in, but I was feeling off, and it was honestly, a case of going through the motions just to say I got it done. Which, on one hand, is nice that I pushed through it, which…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 6-10)

    30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 6-10)

    01/06/24: 200 pushups completed. Did two sets of 80 during morning coffee/blogging and another 40 before running errands. Why it was sets of 80 I have no clue, but that’s what they ended up being. Either way, got my total in, so all good! 01/07/24: 200 pushups completed. Done between getting coffee and blog/read/comments. Two…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 1-5)

    So, one of my short term goals going into this year was to get back into decent shape. I had started before the end of 2023, but I decided to up the ante slightly and issue myself a 30-Day Pushup Challenge. My criteria for this challenge is fairly simple: Each day for the next 30…