Tag: blogging

  • Another In The W Column!

    Hot on the heels of my 50K notification from WP, comes this little gem. Thank you, one and all! I am truly thrilled and honored that so many of you have enjoyed coming here and reading my special brand of silliness. I am very, very grateful for each and every one of you, and I…

  • Thirty Freaking Minutes

    That is all I saw for 30 freaking minutes last night when I clicked on anything. And I was not having a problem with any other web pages at all. Just the same, I cleared everything, logged out and back in, etc. Nada. After about half an hour, I gave up and called it a…

  • Another blogger MIA

    Reblogging Alice’s post, as I too, hope Renard is ok. While it is certainly possible he just said the heck with it and bailed, Renard seemed to be a very committed blogger who was in it for the long haul. If anyone knows, and/or can share, is he ok? I don’t know if anyone has…

  • A little Saturday rant

    A little Saturday rant

    You know… Far be it from me to assume something would work correctly. So, I was replying to some comments, and I accidentally send one to the spam folder. Ok, fine. No biggie, I’ll just go retrieve it. Now, admittedly, I don’t check my spam folder often, but imagine my surprise when I found about…

  • Wandering Wednesday (02/21/24)

    Happy Hump Day, everyone! We’ve once again reached the halfway point and it’s all downhill from here! I hope the week has treated everyone well thus far. It’s time for our weekly wander through the silly images in my head and, of course, through the WordPress Multiverse. Last week, I posted links to a few…

  • Wandering Wednesday (02/14/24)

    Wandering Wednesday (02/14/24)

    Good day and Happy Valentine’s Day to all! I hope if you are spending the day with your special someone, it is the absolute best day ever! Take an extra moment today to truly appreciate all the special folks in your life. Life is precious and so are those around us. Let them know it.…

  • Andrea’s Story

    Hi all, Some of you may already know Andrea, AKA: Skepticalvalentino. She is a children’s book illustrator who regularly posts extremely funny pics and sometimes asks for captions from her followers here on WP. Today, however, she posted a very personal story which touched me deeply, and also has a goal to help a friend,…

  • Follow The Leader (Prompt: 01/19/24)

    Follow The Leader (Prompt: 01/19/24)

    As someone who has been a leader for the past 4-plus years, you’d think I would have a lot to say on this topic, but at the moment I really don’t. I think right now there’s just a part of me that’s cut that portion of my life loose and is happy not to think…

  • Let Me Count The Ways

    Let Me Count The Ways

    I don’t think there’s any one example I could, or would, want to give for this prompt. I mean, really, love comes in so many forms that it’s hard for me to place value on any one example of love over the other. I’ve been lucky enough to be the recipient of love from my…

  • Happy 100!

    Happy 100!

    Yesterday morning, I was very surprised to see that I had surpassed 100 follows here on WP! When I started this blog, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted it to be (one could probably argue that I still don’t 😄), other than I wanted to try and have a positive impact on people’s lives.…

  • Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    Junk It All (Prompt: 01/16/24)

    There are a ton of ways this can be interpreted. Physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. Funny thing is about two months ago, I went on a tear and threw a bunch of stuff out that had been hanging around forever. Finally got sick of it and tossed it. Ironically, about a week before I got fired…

  • I’ll Send An SOS To The World (Prompt: 01/13/24)

    I’ll Send An SOS To The World (Prompt: 01/13/24)

    Now that my needless compulsion to sneak a song reference into most everything has been satisfied, I can move onto the question at hand. How do I communicate online? This one is actually going to be quick and easy. Outside of texting, this blog is pretty much it. When I was working, I was on…