Tag: happiness

  • You Can Never Get Too Low…

    You Can Never Get Too Low…

    Note: Another repost. I changed a couple small things and added an image. Hopefully someone, somewhere gets something out of this piece. Originally posted 01/08/24. For the past couple of days I have been struggling a bit with what to write. I’ve mostly been responding to the daily prompts and playing around with image creator…

  • Forked Up Friday

    Forked Up Friday

    As another week draws to a close, I sit here tired, sore and contemplating life over coffee number two; soon to be coffee number three, for those keeping score. My moods have been up and down for a couple weeks now, as most of you are painfully aware. Quite truthfully, they still are. And that…

  • The Quest For World Domination…

    Begins again next week. Got the call a couple hours ago. I’ll be officially starting the new job next Tuesday. 👍 I’ll be on days for a short spell for on-boarding and training. After that, I will transition over to my normal rotation. The march to world dominance resumes! 😄

  • Agoge Update: The First Few Days

    Good day, all. A brief update on the first few days of my little Agoge project. I started on Friday 03/22, as a bit of a whim. I just felt the sudden urge to take something new on. Sometimes things require a bit of thought, and other times, it’s best to just go with your…

  • Back In The Game!

    Back In The Game!

    So, as anyone who has been around a little bit probably knows, I started this silly little blog after I lost my job and had some free time on my hands. Truthfully, I figured I would start in December and ditch it by January, but here I am still. 😄 So anyhow, I spent some…

  • To My Little Sister

    The following post is addressed to Aastha from Literary Evaluation Blog. Dear Little Sister, As you prepare to embark on a new and exciting journey, I wanted to take a moment to wish you the absolute best of luck and good fortune. In the short time we have known each other, you have touched me,…

  • When the Stone Crushes You

    When the Stone Crushes You

    Apologies in advance for what is mostly going to be a stream of consciousness ramble. Yes, the title and images are a reference to Sisyphus and that pesky stone. Most days as of late, the stone feels pretty light, honestly. Akin to carrying a pebble in your pocket. Barely noticeable. But a couple days ago,…

  • Back to School (One Month In)

    Back to School (One Month In)

    So, it’s been a few weeks since I did an update on the whole class thing. For those interested, my previous posts are linked below. First Day Of School! Back to School (One Week Down!) Anyhow, it’s the end of the fourth week of this course and it’s going pretty well. I’ve earned quite a…

  • Bury Yourself

    Good day to everyone! A funny thing happened to me along the path of this little blogging adventure. When I started it, my intention was to post about some of the challenges I’d come up against and the lessons I had learned along the way. My hope was to help others and bring some positive…

  • Your Time Is Gonna Come

    Your Time Is Gonna Come

    You know, every now and then the universe gives you those little reminders that it’s on your side. Talk about synchronicity. Just this morning, Adarsh G wrote a post about Karma. Well, round about the same time he posted that, I got word that someone who had been sticking multiple knives in my back at…

  • Happy 100!

    Happy 100!

    Yesterday morning, I was very surprised to see that I had surpassed 100 follows here on WP! When I started this blog, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted it to be (one could probably argue that I still don’t 😄), other than I wanted to try and have a positive impact on people’s lives.…

  • All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)

    All Work And No Play? (Prompt: 01/02/24)

    For the last couple months I did not do much playing at all. I was too caught up in a maniacal quest that left me stressed, burnt out, sick and unemployed. I learned a lot of very hard lessons from that whole debacle and know I will definitely not be repeating those mistakes again! However,…

  • Small Words, Big Results

    Small Words, Big Results

    Sometimes in this adventure called life we find ourselves looking for the one big solution that’s going to shake the world and solve all our, and hopefully everyone else’s, problems. We search high and low for that grand speech or that monumental action. The proverbial magic bullet. We know it doesn’t really exist, but that…

  • 5 Things To Improve Your Mood Right Now

    5 Things To Improve Your Mood Right Now

    Mood swings can be a funny thing, can’t they? Sometimes something happens that immediately changes your mood from good to bad. Sometimes the cause is obvious. Perhaps you got some lousy news or you smacked your head on the car door. But mood can be an insidious little devil too. It can creep up on…