Tag: self-care

  • All this time…

    All this time…

    Wasted. I’ll give the preemptive warning now: this is probably going to be all over the map. 😄 I don’t know if it’s this roller coaster I am on lately or what, but I feel like I am all over the freaking map where time is concerned. In theory, I should, and do, have way…

  • Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and Valleys

    Peaks and valleys, they abound Finish one, another round Always climbing, never stops Climb again to reach the top Tired, sore and feeling lost Is the climbing worth the cost? Staring up, a peak so high Don’t think you’ll ever touch the sky But still you try, God only knows Pelted by the freezing snows…

  • Hello

    Hello all, I hope this post finds everyone well. I would like to thank you all for your messages of support and friendship. Please forgive my lack of comments, but rest assured they are read and appreciated. I am currently going through a period of adjustment in my life, and it is affecting me both…

  • Just let me stay down

    Just let me stay down

    This is really just me having a ramble, so don’t mind me, and apologies in advance. Recently, I felt quite down and out for a multitude of reasons. One was I physically felt like absolute shit. The mere act of breathing felt like a monumental fucking task. This is why I really do not like…

  • Comedic Timing

    Comedic Timing

    This question could not have come at a more inopportune time, as I currently find little humor in anything. I guess that in itself is a bit of a divine joke. To those who know me fairly well, my apologies for my lack of engagement. I truly don’t feel I have much constructive to say…

  • Agoge Update: The First Few Days

    Good day, all. A brief update on the first few days of my little Agoge project. I started on Friday 03/22, as a bit of a whim. I just felt the sudden urge to take something new on. Sometimes things require a bit of thought, and other times, it’s best to just go with your…

  • Going To Agoge

    Going To Agoge

    Not “Going To A Go-Go” like the Stones sing. “Agoge.” Basically, it’s an old Spartan term for the rigorous training and education the young warriors went through to become soldiers. I’m simplifying, but that’s it in a nutshell. During a brief conversation with Ojaswi Gupta the other day, the term came up. Long story short,…

  • When the Stone Crushes You

    When the Stone Crushes You

    Apologies in advance for what is mostly going to be a stream of consciousness ramble. Yes, the title and images are a reference to Sisyphus and that pesky stone. Most days as of late, the stone feels pretty light, honestly. Akin to carrying a pebble in your pocket. Barely noticeable. But a couple days ago,…

  • The Barbarian’s Guide To Good Living

    Men of iron and maidens so fair, I bid thee hail! As I wander this world in search of treasures so fine and adventures far flung, I encounter many a varied soul. Good folk some, and others less so. By the grace of the gods and their beards ever epic, most have been the former.…

  • The Chains That Bind

    The Chains That Bind

    The chains that bindHeavyImmobileUncaringSteel to skinColdPiercingBruisingIron lacerates deeplyClaretFlowingStingingThe captor laughs incessantCursingSpittingTauntingTemples throb a pure barrageAngryVengefulUnrelentingVeins pulse a river rapidPowerStrengthGrowingSinews corded shatter steelTwistingWrenchingBreakingHusks of steel fall to the floorSweatingGaspingFreedom There’s an old song by Eagles that says “So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have…

  • Keep Climbing

    While I don’t intend to completely do away with the image-only posts, lately I feel compelled to add at least a few words when I post them. We often hear the phrase “peaks and valleys” when talking about the game of life, and it is a fairly accurate descriptor. There’s no greater feeling than reaching…

  • If you’re walking through Hell

    Walk through it like you own it. I was just going to drop a couple pics and call it a day, but I decided to add a quick commentary to the proceedings. We all have times in our life where we are walking through Hell. Sometimes it’s different levels of Hell (apologies to Dante), but…

  • Bury Yourself

    Good day to everyone! A funny thing happened to me along the path of this little blogging adventure. When I started it, my intention was to post about some of the challenges I’d come up against and the lessons I had learned along the way. My hope was to help others and bring some positive…

  • Get Up! (Poem)

    Get Up! (Poem)

    Get up! Pull yourself up off your knees Get up! Can’t you see that you are free? Get Up! Stand up straight and seize your crown Get up! Don’t let the bastards wear you down Get up! Don’t you wallow there in vain Get up! Learn to weaponize your pain Get up! Though you struggle…

  • The Fire Within

    The Fire Within

    This is a followup to my earlier post about those pesky snakes. I will admit it definitely stung a bit to hear that I was currently being portrayed as the cause of every ill since the dawn of time (You didn’t know the whole dinosaur thing was my fault, did ya?), even though I saw…

  • And Out Come The Snakes

    And Out Come The Snakes

    I’ve been around the block more than a couple of times in my life and one of the truisms I’ve always encountered is that when someone leaves a job, regardless of the circumstances, once they are gone they get blamed for most everything under the sun. I’ve been chatting with a former cohort and they’re…

  • 30-Day Pushup Challenge (Days 1-5)

    So, one of my short term goals going into this year was to get back into decent shape. I had started before the end of 2023, but I decided to up the ante slightly and issue myself a 30-Day Pushup Challenge. My criteria for this challenge is fairly simple: Each day for the next 30…

  • First Day Of School!

    First Day Of School!

    And, man…Do I so not want to go. Anyone who’s been reading along might know that I signed up for an 8-week course recently, and I am also looking at pursuing an associates degree after that. I’ve been pretty psyched up for it the past week or so, but now that it’s here I really…

  • Today Is The First Day…

    Today Is The First Day…

    Today is the first day of the New Year. Today is the first day of a new month. Yes, I can sense your eyes rolling at my keen grasp of the obvious all the way over here. Look, I’m a jarhead, so you have to allow me some leeway. Besides, there is a point to…

  • What’s In Store For ’24?

    What’s In Store For ’24?

    Well, it’s that time of year again I guess, isn’t it? While I usually stay away from the whole “resolutions” thing, I do regularly set goals for myself throughout the year and with the way 2023 ended I have already set some new ones going into 2024. I’m going to try and take the things…

  • Five Things I Have Finally Come To Terms With

    Five Things I Have Finally Come To Terms With

    After reading this post from Pooja G I was inspired to do my own version of this list. She has graciously allowed me to link her post as well and I am truly grateful! I encourage you to check out her unique take on this list also. It really registered with me as the last…

  • Do it on the daily

    Do it on the daily

    Since I’ve been out of work, I must admit that the temptation to lay around and chill has been very strong from time to time. The thought of unlimited freedom sounds mighty nice at first. Stay up late, sleep in, eat whatever, whenever. What a life! Realistically, this is just not feasible and it would…

  • Small Words, Big Results

    Small Words, Big Results

    Sometimes in this adventure called life we find ourselves looking for the one big solution that’s going to shake the world and solve all our, and hopefully everyone else’s, problems. We search high and low for that grand speech or that monumental action. The proverbial magic bullet. We know it doesn’t really exist, but that…

  • Ninja Toxicity

    Ninja Toxicity

    One topic I seem to hear coming up over and over in discussions with my friends is the topic of “weird vibes” and subtle airs of toxicity either in their personal or professional lives, and sometimes in both. “Toxicity” is one of those buzzwords I try to avoid, but unfortunately, it’s often the most accurate…