Work, work, work!

Daily writing prompt
What jobs have you had?

While I feel like I think about work enough as it is, I’ll go ahead and indulge the daily prompt gods.

I’ve done my fair share of stuff, I suppose.

I had the good old paper route when I was younger.

I did my time on the restaurant circuit too. Almost thought about going to school to be a chef, actually.

I even worked in the great out of doors for a hot minute taking down trees and chopping wood.

I’ve run more than my fair share of machines over the years. More years than I sometimes care to count.

And I’ve also done a good amount of walking around telling other people what to do.

This isn’t all encompassing, but it hits most of the major highlights I guess.

Have a good one, everybody!


7 responses to “Work, work, work!”

  1. Chopping firewood is such a great workout!
    Fun set of jobs, a bunch of different ones. Makes for a well-rounded person, Iโ€™d say. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Not that fun, really. But I tried to make them so whenever I could lol

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! Sounds like the plot of a movie. I would totally watch that movie, as long as the protagonist meets someone along the way or finally gets his big break and becomes rich. Also, love the images! How do you make them? I probably asked before and forgot but tell me again. Please tell me you’re selling gorilla man merch on redbubble?! I would totally buy that (if I had money).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I left out the military because I figure everyone’s heard that enough already, plus I never think of that as a “job” per se, but otherwise just normal run of the mill jobs lol
      Mostly I just use the Dall-E in Bing to create them.
      I’ve thought about going into business for myself, but have not pulled the trigger yet ๐Ÿ˜„

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  3. I’m always happy for those who could get any job they needed. I’ve barely worked at all. Due to my fibromyalgia it’s almost impossible. Nothing works except for software/web development.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. While they weren’t exciting jobs, I am grateful for them. I learned a lot at most of them for sure

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