Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.15.24

Not long ago, I had a conversation (multiple, actually) with someone whose opinion I value quite highly. The conversation revolved around the recent feeling that I have had to tiptoe around my own blog for fear of upsetting or offending people. Mind you, some of this could just be my perception as I have had a lot going on these days.

Now, I think I am a pretty positive fellow overall, and I do my best to try and make folks’ day a little brighter when I can. I’m not perfect by any means, but I give it a shot. Realistically, no one can be “on” 24/7, nor should we be.

Anyhow, in the course of these conversations, we drew the conclusion that being anything other than myself is doing “myself” a genuine disservice. She encouraged me, in her own words, to “let it fly,” and that’s kind of how this was born.

It’s really just random thoughts that are rolling around in my head. Tongue mostly planted in cheek, but well, here we are.

Agree, disagree, don’t care either way (probably the wisest option 🤣), but at the end of the day, I gotta be me.

Peace, folks. ✌

Rao’s Frozen Pizzas are the best frozen pizzas. A tad pricey, but worth it. And no, I don’t receive a kickback, unfortunately.

Resealable bags are getting harder and harder to reseal. Note to all you cheapass corporations out there: If those zippers get any thinner, they’ll slip into another dimension.

I didn’t realize gasoline nozzles were so captivating. Note to self: Post even more meaningless shit.

Question to self: Why do I feel bad about posting 3 – 5 times per day when the current trend seems to be 3 – 5 times per hour? 🤣🤣

Met a guy who knows a weatherman. This particular weatherman makes about $175K/year and it’s in his contract that he must be accurate 30% of the time. I want a gig where I can make six figures and be wrong 70% of the time with no blowback.

Working in a shop that averages 100 to 120 degrees in the summertime is about as fun as it sounds.

NTT? Perhaps…🤔

Gorilla HQ, over and out.

© The Beginning At Last


44 responses to “Random Thoughts From Gorilla HQ: 06.15.24”

  1. CJ Antichow Avatar
    CJ Antichow

    Perfectly entertaining 🥳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you kindly. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thx for a “slice of life” look at Gorilla man 😎

    I hear you about being real on your blogs. I try to steer clear of politics bc everybody’s so torqued up already… but I see a few people who have no compunction about putting up flamers. I don’t think WP is the place for that, it only brings decisiveness; I much prefer thoughtful, creative stuff. “Ars Gratia Artis” as MGM says (Art for Art’s Sake). 😎

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Darryl. Much appreciated.
      I was always raised not to discuss politics too much, along with religion, etc., within certain venues.
      If someone else chooses to, that is certainly their prerogative. Much as I said I want to use my page for what I wish, they can certainly do the same.
      Live and let live,I say. 🤘

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  3. *divisiveness

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 👍👍😉


  4. You don’t need to and shouldn’t have to tip toe around your own blog. Be you and your post will show you that you want to share.

    If you are not you and feel like you can’t be, then you will not enjoy blogging.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Well said, Liz. And thank you. To each their own, for sure. 😊😊

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  5. Randomness, love it and yes, fly. Be free, be yourself, and use the flying space to get a bird’s eye view of your area, and use it to your advantage.

    On your blog you should write about anything that comes to mind. I think we all agree that certain things are not done such as bullying or unfounded accusations BUT that is not your style. It isn’t the style of your readers and fellow bloggers here either so, write without hesitation.

    I must admit I stay away from issues such as politics and religion. Maybe I should not but after having seen on Twitter how quickly you are drowned into swamp of s*** and having to start over there (only to abandon it again) I like to stay neutral here for a while. But that is my choice.

    So Kevin, you do not owe us entertainment or the most favorable opinion piece. You owe us to write like Kevin. I’ll shut up now.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Alice.
      And no, I certainly don’t want to use it as a platform for cruelty by any means. That is not my style.
      But, I do reserve the right to make a crack about something if I so desire. And usually, as I said, tongue-in-cheek.

      I understand on the politics. As Darryl also said, it just gets too divisive and nasty at times. I don’t need that energy. I’ll keep my thoughts to myself on that,

      Liked by 1 person

  6. many a day’s made bright with your positive attitude and great humour, Chief….thank you for this.

    “NTT? Perhaps”…🤷‍♀️ doesn’t say much actually lol….

    It’s your blog…do you…that’s the best way 🤍🙏

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It means I am…considering a comeback. 😄
      Thank you, Destiny. Always appreciate the support. 🙏

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      1. pleasure always, Chief…🙏

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  7. Haha, yes, please…let it fly!
    Being your authentic self is the only way we should allow ourselves to be.

    LOL gas pumps are certainly interesting, maybe we should post more…
    Completely captivating and riveting content!
    OMG, let’s please have a moment of silence for my Reader when there’s 579865 useless posts within the span of an hour 😩

    You know it’s funny, I remember some odd months ago in a conversation we had in the comments you mentioned Raos frozen pizza, I’ve still yet to try it! Now I need to find it (the pizza, not the conversation, lol)

    Enjoyed reading your random thoughts, (your musings, hah!) 😋 and I hope there will be more!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, and don’t get me started on the weather and how easy it must be to “predict” and the madness of how difficult ziploc bags have become! 😩
      Let’s call that one “the cheapening” ugh!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Massive cheapening. It’s beyond pathetic.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Indeed. Sometimes we need someone to remind us of these things. Thank you. 🙏

      Yeah, my Reader has taken it’s share of beatings too. Less these days since I lost some weight. 😄

      Yes, I told you ages ago! It’s by far one of, if not the, best frozen pizzas around.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Anytime! 😊

        Haha, there’s something to enjoy, now, you don’t have to worry about posts being buried by all the spamming. 😆

        Yes, you did. I need to listen to you more often, obviously lol 🤪

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I drop a pearl of wisdom from time to time 🤣

        Yes, unloading “dead wood” is liberating, I must admit. lol

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I definitely have thought about it, but sometimes it can be a little too hilarious…perhaps I will push that button one day lol 😂 🤣

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      4. If it ceases to be funny, trust me, you will find it quite easy to do lol

        Liked by 1 person

  8. 😂as a blogger with a lot of random thoughts, I really enjoyed reading this. If I may add to this, sticky notes are getting less sticky and what’s a sticky note that has no stickiness…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You most certainly can add to the list!
      Fear not, there will be other installments of this 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Stephanie Avatar

    Love random posts and the only people who should feel bad about posting are ones not even really posting nor sharing their thoughts and life in genuine ways. If someone posts a lot a lot, I unsub and that can’t be helped since I have smallish brain bandwidth and do actually read everyone I subscribe to, but that’s not you.

    My peeve is that coffee keeps getting weaker. LOL
    (no it doesn’t I just drink too much)

    The environment you’re working in sounds brutal during summer. Make sure you’re doing all the things you need to for your health!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I keep trying to brew my coffee stronger and stronger.
      Have you ever tried coffee and chicory? I rather like that.

      I think we all know the kind of excessive posting I am referring to, eh? 😉🤣

      It is nasty, yes. Honestly, a lot of people could not do this kind of work.

      Thank you for reading, Stephanie. You re greatly appreciated. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Spark of Inspiration Avatar
    Spark of Inspiration

    If people are offended by what you write, they just need to move on. What we read is a choice, right. As far as how many times to write in a day or week. I admit that I don’t have so much time in life, so I can’t follow too many people who post multiple times a day even if I enjoy their writing, because I don’t have the time to read. I enjoy your posts, so if I LIKE some and do not LIKE others, don’t be offended, it just means I didn’t have much time to read that day along with reading other bloggers I follow. There are only so many hours in a day in addition to my own writing. Trying to get a children’s book published, so need time for that writing too. I enjoy your posts and your Gorillas are great, something powerful and no nonsense about them which is amusing. Have a nice Saturday.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I completely understand and totally get it. I don’t have all the time in the world either, and I don’t get offended if someone can’t read everything. When I was out of work, I had a lot more time, but not so much these days. Just the way of life right?
      That said, I appreciate the support whenever or wherever it comes, so thank you!

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  11. Kevin, upon further reflection, I think I need to revise my comment. Sometimes you read something and you miss the point… you’re only thinking of yourself and your approach to something…kinda like the way you’re already thinking of your response when someone’s speaking to you. My bad.

    You’re right, your blog is your blog. I’ve been following you for several months now and I’ve never seen anything that’s given me pause. Your thoughts, moods and expressions are really entertaining, creative and sometimes snarky…but that’s fun. And like like other folks that I follow, if you do put up something I feel differently about, I just read it and respect your opinion. I guess I meant folks who use WP the way others use FB to rant day after day.

    Hope I didn’t step on your toes, my friend. Let your freak fly! 😂😎🏄‍♂️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Darryl, no worries at all. I was not offended in the least and I think i knew where you were coming from, and we’re definitely on the same page.
      Like you, if I don’t agree with something, I will usually just move along and go about my business. 😊
      Appreciate the conversation! 👍👍

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Be true to yourself Kevin, the rest will follow 😊 Don’t worry too much, we’re all human. Have a tremendous day 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Chris. Agreed. We need to speak what resonates with us. 😎
      You have a great day too. 🙏🙏

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      1. 😊🙏

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  13. Best read today!!!! Never change!!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Siri. I’ll try my best. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  14. You post you! I’ve been thinking of being more of my authentic self. But still thinking.
    I enjoy reading your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you M’chel. 🙏
      I hear you. It’s not always as simple as it sounds. Or it is, and we complicate it. I don’t know, maybe a bit of both lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Both, definitely.

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  15. Being yourself is being true to yourself and others. Don’t ever feel the need to be someone you’re not. Realism is important, and in the world we live in today, we need more of it. 😎


  16. I absolutely loved reading your random thoughts!! You should make more posts like this!!

    Also did you try Rao’s pasta sauce? If so, is it as good as their pizza? Their stuff is so expensive, so we nevr bought it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. This type of post is one of the things I was throwing around in my head while I was offline. If I continue writing stuff it’s probably going to be taken in a few different directions.

      Yes, their sauces are quite good as well. Definitely one of the top jar ones out there. My advice is if/when you see it on sale, stock up and grab a few jars.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Living life on your terms is the best kind of freedom.
    And yes, Rao’s pizzas are divine! Now, off to apply for that weatherman job. 🤣😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A man pf taste and refinement! And good luck on the job hunt! 😆

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      1. 😎👍

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