Bury Yourself

Good day to everyone!

A funny thing happened to me along the path of this little blogging adventure.

When I started it, my intention was to post about some of the challenges I’d come up against and the lessons I had learned along the way. My hope was to help others and bring some positive energy to folks whenever or wherever I could.

Next thing I know, I turned around and I was writing poems and posting images I’d created with Dall-E and not doing much else. 😄

Now, I will cop to the fact that I have fully enjoyed both endeavors and have no intentions of stopping. It’s been a lot of fun exploring these avenues and creating these things. I call them things, as I don’t know if “art” really applies here.

All that said, I really do want to post something a bit more substantial from time to time as well.

As I’ve gone through all these different mental and emotional stages the past few months, I’ve been reading a lot of articles, blogs, etc., and watching different videos on coping, letting go of things, and so on.

There’s been bouts of harsh self-examination, anger, sadness, acceptance and every emotion in between.

One of the concepts that came up a few times and it kept creeping back into my head was the death of the old self. I think it stuck with me because just saying “change yourself” can seem so pedestrian at times. And it also seems easier to slip back into the old state from there. Not so much if you’re talking about laying something to rest permanently.

Just to be totally clear, I am talking about a symbolic death here, nothing else. I am not planning on going to find a building to jump off of or anything like that! 😬

Basically, what I have done is adopted the mindset that whenever self-doubt or negative thoughts sneak their way into my head, I tell myself that is my old self talking, and that self is dead. Buried. Gone.

My new self doesn’t accept that kind of talk. My new self was born from the ashes of the old. It’s risen above that dead-end mindset and left the outdated, negative frames and concepts behind.

While it might seem more than a bit out of left field, the visual of burying your old self can be a strong one. It seems to resonate and stick better than just reminding yourself to change.

When you convince yourself that the old frames don’t serve you well and that there’s nothing useful to go back to, the only place to go from there is up and beyond.

Bury yourself and rise up stronger than ever.


29 responses to “Bury Yourself”

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  2. “I am talking about a symbolic death here, nothing else..” 🙏 (😁)
    your humor adds ease to such reads, Kevin.
    a difficult one to do (bury yourself) but true… needed at certain turning points in life to rise new👌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I figured it was safest to throw the disclaimer in there just in case 🤣
      No, it’s not easy, but sometimes one has to take a hard line with themselves to drive a point home. For some, just saying “I need to change” is not enough. You have to make a commitment to burying the negative self-talk and self-image.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. good you added that lol… just incase 🤣

        true to that commitment and then achievable too with time we learn.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aye, didn’t want anyone thinking I was looking to cash out my chips 😅
        That’s really what it all boils down to – learning as we go, right?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. seems theres no end to that which is good… we learn and we live and go on.. the cycle seems such.

        Lol, good thing we read till the end or your comments be flooded with “don’t do it” 🤣

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Or conversely, “Do it, I dare you!” 🤣🤣

        That is the cycle indeed. Take the lesson, absorb it and move on. With luck, get a bit better each day.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. 😬… 🤭

        amen to that getting better… 🙏

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  3.  Avatar

    ‘When you convince yourself that the old frames don’t serve you well and that there’s nothing useful to go back to, the only place to go from there is up and beyond.’ Totally agree.
    I have a Phoenix as one of my tattoos lol. I love the symbolism.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Liola! I find that symbols and talismans serve as a great reminder to keep us on point when we’re possibly veering slightly off course. A great mental reset if you will.


  4.  Avatar

    That last comment saying Anonymous Kevin is me (Liola) not sure what it came up as Anonymous. Strange!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it started doing that last night, I noticed. I’ve gotten a couple this morning too other than you. I didn’t change anything on my end that I am aware of. WP glitch maybe?


  5. Jiral Waghela Avatar
    Jiral Waghela

    I will be repeating the line ‘My new self doesn’t accept that kind of talk’ to myself every 20 minutes. I believe consistency is crucial to making things work out. Bury Yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it has to be almost robotic until it becomes a habit. Repetition is key.
      Thank you for reading and commenting! 🙂


      1. Jiral Waghela Avatar
        Jiral Waghela

        Absolutely agreed! It’s needless. You’re welcome 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. This reminded me of the amusing lines from a song in Latvian. If your rich you get carried to your Heavenly home if your poor you have to go to the cemetery on foot.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is amusing and at the same time, probably quite true lol
      It does seem to be the way of the world, doesn’t it?
      Well, if I have to on foot, I’ll just go with head held high! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’ve got some decent results with Dall-E. Then I switched to Bing image creator. Bing has gotten so many rules though recently that many things I want have become “unsafe”. Nothing bad either. Like just asking for “angry woman in living room” is getting blocked as unsafe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I’ve run into that with Bing too. It’s getting harder to get creative with the wording to tap dance around anything lol
      I tried “superheroine” one day and it blocked and threatened to suspend me. I’m assuming because the word “heroin” is in there. 🙄

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Bing uses Dall-E but vanilla Dall-E is less restricted. Have you tried Stable Diffusion? No filters whatsoever, haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No, but now that you’ve mentioned it…😄

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It takes some setting up to get it to a useful state but once you have your model running it’s by far the best there is!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ve been playing around with it a bit today and I can see that there is a bit of finesse needed, but it’s fun so far. Thanks for the tip!


  8. It’s both cool and scary that Dall-E can create amazing works of art. perhaps even better than professional artists. These pictures are stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks you very much, Melissa.
      It is awesome and a bit daunting, yes. But it is also fascinating to explore a different creative avenue.
      I will also say that it’s nice to put images I thought up with my own words as well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah, it’s a nice tool for those of us who have ideas we’d like to see visualized but who don’t have the time to become painters. I don’t foresee AI art overtaking that of talented artists simply because people always value handcrafted work more than industrial work.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Agreed. I think there will always be a place for talented writers/artists/musicians, etc. in this world.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Speaking of… have you tried music AI yet? Check out suno.ai if you haven’t. You can give it lyrics and tell it what style of music you want and it can be pretty mind blowing. Many songs you can tell it’s not a human voice but there are occasional gems

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have not yet, no, but it sounds interesting!
      As a guitar player, I am still a bit leery of AI created music, but to put one of my poems to it might be fun!

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